Italy&Wine Tour
  • Fantastic Wine Tasting Lesson in Florence with Vittorio

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Fantastic Wine Tasting Lesson in Florence with Vittorio
Kathy Choi
I did the wine tasting lesson in Florence with Vittorio. He is highly experienced and qualified and taught me so much about wine, things I have never thought of before. I will definitely be using my new knowledge for the rest of my life. This was easily one of the highlights during my stay in Florence and I highly recommend this experience!

Wine Tasting Course Florence

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Fully licensed and insured Italy-based travel agency managed by Italy and Tour di Vittorio Del Bono Venezze. - Corso dei Tintori 13 - 50122 Florence P.IVA. 05964180482
Copyright © 2002-2008 All rights reserved.
Credits: WWS Snc Web Agency
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